Jawa Timur Park, A Beautiful Unification Of Education And Recreational Park

If you decide to travel around Malang, you cannot miss the name Jawa Timur Park on your traveling list, it is one of the places that will give you amazing traveling experience.
Among local citizen in Malang, Jawa Timur Park or mostly known as Jatim Park is one of the most famous recreational park ever known, even though there are a lot of newer recreational park such as Jatim Park 2, Museum Angkut,or Batu Night Spectacular (BNS), Jatim Park 1 still manages to stand its ground as the must-visit recreational park in Batu.
Maybe some of you are interested on what is Jawa Timur park and why its name is known as one of the best recreational destination in Batu, here we provide information regarding Jawa Timur Park for you.

Jawa Timur Park is  a recreation and educational park located in Batu, around 20 km from Malang. It has become recreational icon of Jawa TImur because of how famous it is.
In order to get there, it is pretty much easy since once you arrive to Batu, there are a lot of road signs that will help you in pointing your direction towards the place.
Once you arrive, you will see a giant cliff-like decoration with the word JAWA TIMUR PARK engraved on it. In order to go inside you have to pay a certain amount of money to buy the ticket. 
Jawa Timur Park is an amazing masterpiece in form of recreational park because it combines the education and entertainment in a single environment.
If you follow the proper route, you will walk through road surrounded by miniature of traditional houses and places around Indonesia, it is a good place to introduce tradition in Indonesia, especially for children since it is presented beautifully, for you who love to take photos it is a good idea to bring out your camera and take a few snaps too.
After done with the educational part of the park, you will arrive to the recreational part which consists on a large water boom, swimming pool, haunted house, roller coasters and a lot more, you name it! 
Once you are done with the education and recreation part of Jawa Timur Park 1, you will finally arrive to the shopping area where you can buy a lot of souvenirs, not to mention the fresh apples which is the icon of Batu and other amazing things that will pique your interest for sure.
So, after reading the information are you sure you don’t want to put Jatim Park  into your traveling checklist?
Sumber gambar : mainmania.com , jawatimurpark1.com